Long hair in ancient times was considered a symbol of beauty and an important element in every human aesthetics. Degradation, thinning or hair loss becomes a source of frustration and stress for many people, both women and men, both young and adults.

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery appears with a solution in this case: implant hair (hair transplants).

Alopecia or hair loss localized (in current-language baldness) is specific to males, but also females can manifest a diffuse hair fall, but often important causes are different.

Daily stress, pollution, certain environmental factors, stress, health problems, hereditary factors, certain care aggressive blood flow inappropriately can be causes of a dramatic shedding, both women and men, which can lead to a partial or complete baldness. Cases such as accidents, burns, diseases, congenital or psychological factors are special cases and do not fit into the natural causes of hair loss (internal diseases and disorders). Pakistan is the best place for hair treatment in order to give people natural look in hair transplant in Islamabad. They have the superlative surgeons to give real medical assiatance.

Physical trauma scalp from accidents, mines, impact, burns (fire, chemical) can cause permanent loss of hairiness capillary Another form of trauma scalp may be due to cosmetic surgery, elective such as implantation of synthetic fibers, inadequate procedures transplant lifting the hair and scalp radical which can cause necrosis of the tissue. If any of these injuries occur, there are two options for the persons concerned. The first involves surgery (resection of the injured area by Reduction scalp or hair transplantation the graft dermal ciatricii, wound the injured area) and the second using wigs or hairpieces. Also use  Q-FUE Technique The Advanced Technology.

Sudden hair loss is mainly due if the reaction occurred following Sometimes medications, chemotherapy treatments, radiation therapy (external causes).

Laser hair removal is a solution to enhance the appearance of the basis on which the patient is held at the time of consultation, but repeated interventions, the good health of the patient, good quality of Firelite hair are prerequisites for real success in terms of transplantation hair.

And women can turn to hair implants

For many years research has been directed towards male pattern alopecia, neglecting women are also affected by this problem. This is mainly due to negligence options for wigs and hairpieces women, TLS mask this deficiency. In men the main causes related to heredity (genetic factors), but women are the main trigger hormonal disorders (especially during menopause). Fall diffuse hair loss in women can be enabled and certain pathological conditions, stress, pregnancy.

Hair implants

There lime main types of implants hair:

Individual follicular Unity (UFI);